Weeknotes NHS Digital Episode 4

This week has been a good one, our discovery team is starting to form with one of our user researchers joining, and the other one due to start on Monday we are starting to get our plans together for discovery. In some ways the slight delay in starting has been useful as its given me and the PM (who’s also new to this space) the opportunity to really start to understand the context of the area we are exploring....

July 2, 2021 · 5 min · Ian Ames

Weeknotes NHS Digital Episode 3

Been a while since the last weeknotes, its been pretty busy we’ve been getting going on a new Discovery which has been filling my brain up as Disco’s always do. I’m going to use this weeknotes to capture what I understand so far, quick reminder that weeknotes are for me to reflect what I know, this doesn’t mean that this is exactly correct, there are holes in my knowledge, the NHS is a vast complex system, I probably understand about 1% of it, writing stuff down helps my understanding though....

June 27, 2021 · 7 min · Ian Ames

Weeknotes NHS Digital Episode 2

Time is really flying, I found myself introducing myself and saying I was on my 3rd week last week (I was on my 4th) I’m genuinely not sure where those 4 weeks have gone, thats a good sign! Writing these weeknotes is taking longer too as I’m not in a space where I fully know what I’m talking about yet, the act of doing it is helping me understand where I don’t know stuff yet and I go and find out more to add detail, but its making publishing slow....

May 26, 2021 · 5 min · Ian Ames

Weeknotes NHS Digital Episode 1

I haven’t weeknoted in public for a couple of years now for various reasons but starting a new phase of my work-life feels like a good time to get back into it. I have recently taken the plunge into contracting and have started at NHS Digital with the 111 online teams. I’ve always done weeknotes primarily for myself to reflect on what I’ve learnt and I am learning LOADS at the moment, not just about how NHS digital works but what contracting life involves and how that differs from being a full time member of staff....

May 8, 2021 · 5 min · Ian Ames

User Manual of Me

User Manual of Ian Ames I’ve used Cassie Robinson’s User Manual of me template a number of times when starting projects with new teams, its a great way to quickly introduce a team to how everyone likes to work and to discuss how best to work together. It also works well in remote organisations as a way to quickly learn about colleagues you may not see on a day to day basis....

April 21, 2021 · 3 min · Ian Ames