Hase Pino tandem review

I’ve never really seen the appeal of tandems, the poor old stoker sat at the back not able to see anything other than the pilot’s back, that was until we got a Hase Pino, quite possibly the strangest looking but most well-designed tandem there is. The Pino is a semi-recumbent tandem, the stoker sits at the front on a recumbent seat, whilst the pilot is just behind in a standard bike configuration, the beauty of this design is that you share the same view, and your heads are close together, its easy to have a conversation even at speed....

December 4, 2020 · 10 min · Ian Ames

What does great collaboration in local government look like?

I have a soft spot for local government, it’s where most people’s interactions with government happen, and yet it is also one of the most underfunded parts. Arguably constraint is the mother of invention and local government doesn’t get enough credit for the work they do to to deliver services for citizens effectively and cheaply. So I asked twitter to share with me some examples of great collaboration in local gov, here’s some great examples that were shared:...

September 22, 2020 · 5 min · Ian Ames


It’s been just over a year since building my office shed so I’m finally getting round to writing this post about #shedlife. Last May I joined Surevine, a remote software company. It was my first remote role, we didn’t have any spare space in the house so I needed somewhere to be able to work. Because of the nature of our clients it needed to be somewhere where I could have conversations without being overheard....

August 31, 2020 · 11 min · Ian Ames

What Would a Great Onboarding Experience Look Like?

When I joined Surevine my onboarding experience was fantastic, but I wanted to see if there was anything more we could do to make it even better, so back in June I asked twitter what would a great onboarding experience look like? As always the responses were great. This post summarises what I learned: Onboarding starts way before a person joins a company If someone wants to work with you, they will be thinking about it way before onboarding starts....

May 5, 2020 · 7 min · Ian Ames

Reflections on Map Camp

This year I was finally able to attend MapCamp 2019 with ~600 other people at Sadlers Wells Theatre, London. MapCamp is a conference introducing and describing the technique of Wardley Mapping, a tool for mapping strategy. I first came across Wardley Maps a couple of years ago through the medium book. I found it compelling, Simon Wardley has a lovely humble style of writing. He described how he went from ‘bumbling CEO’ to ‘having a vague idea of what I was doing’....

October 28, 2019 · 15 min · Ian Ames