Hase Pino tandem review

I’ve never really seen the appeal of tandems, the poor old stoker sat at the back not able to see anything other than the pilot’s back, that was until we got a Hase Pino, quite possibly the strangest looking but most well-designed tandem there is. The Pino is a semi-recumbent tandem, the stoker sits at the front on a recumbent seat, whilst the pilot is just behind in a standard bike configuration, the beauty of this design is that you share the same view, and your heads are close together, its easy to have a conversation even at speed....

December 4, 2020 · 10 min · Ian Ames


It’s been just over a year since building my office shed so I’m finally getting round to writing this post about #shedlife. Last May I joined Surevine, a remote software company. It was my first remote role, we didn’t have any spare space in the house so I needed somewhere to be able to work. Because of the nature of our clients it needed to be somewhere where I could have conversations without being overheard....

August 31, 2020 · 11 min · Ian Ames

Hidden Plymouth, Route 2 - Millbay Mini

I’m slightly overwhelmed by how well Route 1 has been received I have had some lovely feedback and suggestions for future routes. One such suggestion is to do something shorter that children can take part in, so where better than around Millbay. I can test it with my own kids as they go to Plymouth School of Creative Arts which is the starting point for this route. There are loads of quirky little features in and around Millbay, its relatively flat and the route is only 2km....

January 26, 2018 · 10 min · Ian Ames

Hidden Plymouth, Route 1 - Stoke to Mutton Cove

This route starts at Stoke Village Car Park, which is free to park. It then climbs to what was once the highest point in Plymouth, before descending to sea level and back again. I have mapped the route on Strava so you can download it to a GPS, or print out the map. I have also run the route so you can see a fly through below: Relive 'New phone' Points of interest Blockhouse Park Before the city expanded toward Roborough this was the highest point in Plymouth and the 360˚ view from the Redoubt is one of the best in the city....

January 15, 2018 · 8 min · Ian Ames